Round 3

Today, Laura and I went for her first doctor’s appointment after the holidays.  After the blood test results, the doctor said her counts were great, she checks out fine and that she is ready for round #3.  So we are starting up round #3 tomorrow morning.  We’re hoping the admitting is a lot smoother than the last 3 hour wait we had.  Since this is the 5th time Laura’s spent in the hospital, we’re starting to feel more familiar with the normal procedures she will go through so it feels less intimidating and scary this time.  Usually the time in the hospital is when she feels okay.  Usually it’s when she comes home that she feels the effects of the chemo.

But while she’s in the hospital, we would appreciate prayers for peace for her and a sense of God’s presence as she goes through this round.  She’s feeling more upbeat and positive about fighting through this disease so pray that she can continue with this attitude and be encouraged.  All of your e-mails, letters, gifts and prayer support has been so much a part of our strength and encouragement during this time so thank you once again for your generosity in all of these ways.  We wished we could keep up enough with everyone to give you all a huge thank you note and hug but since we haven’t, know that this e-mail represents that big thank you and hug.  We’ll keep you updated on how things go this week.

Love,  Brad

Published in: on January 3, 2008 at 3:22 am  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. thinking of you! loving you all.

  2. Brad, Laura, and boys,

    We will be praying for all of you, especially starting tomorrow as round #3 begins. We know that you will all be affected in different ways, and we’ll pray for strength for Laura – increasing energy and health. Praise God for good counts today. We love you!


  3. Go get ’em, Laura. I’m glad you’re able to identify a routine to your body’s reactions to chemo; I hope this helps you find some control in the chaos. Lots of peaks and valleys through this roller-coaster journey… stay steady on the course… ride the winds of God’s peace right through the end. He will not ever fail you. You can do this.

    Love to you all,

  4. Hey, this is belated but I’m so happy that Laura got to spend Christmas at home. Praise God! I was thinking and praying for you guys. I’ll be praying too for Round #3. Take care!

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